Bıçak Stratocracy is one of the core members of the United Kingdom of Greater Turkiye.
Bıçak Stratocracy has southern border with Turkiye Stratocracy. Their west border has Balt-Rhein Empire. Bıçak Statocracy and Balt-Rhein Empire's border is cut from Ayna Mountains and Bıçak Stratocracy's east borders are Balta Stratocracy and Mizrak Stratocracy.
Bıçak Stratocracy was founded 76 years ago like other stratocracys by the nomatic horse riders.
Their capital city is Mücevher. Other cities are not known.
Bıçak Stratocracy army is heavily based on mercanaries. Also they have own units.
Notable Members[]
- 3'th generation Sultan Silah İsmail
- Sultan Yag Uzun
- Bıçak means ''Knife'' in Turkish.
- Bıçak Stratocracy capital city of Mücevher means ''Jewel'' in Turkish.