Balta Stratocray is one of the core members of the United Kingdom of Greater Turkiye.
Balta Stratocracy is covered by four country. They southern area is Turkiye Stratocracy, eastern area is Cuore Di Rumeriana, northern are is Mizrak Stratocracy and western area is Bıçak Statocracy.
Balta Stratocracy was founded 76 years ago like other stratocracys by the nomatic horse riders.
Balta Stratocracy's only known city is capital city Ova.
Balta Stratocracy's army is not very strong. They have likely Yeniçeri soldier units.
Notable Members[]
- Sultan Nülüfer Fatma
- Vezir i Azam Armut Ayşe
- Sultan Kemal
- Balta means "Axe" in Turkish.
- Capital city of Balta Stratocracy Ova means ''Grassy Plain'' in Turkish.