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Donatello Doria
20171217 104613
Alias Doge Doria
Vital statistics
Date of Birth December 8th
Age 39
Birthplace The L'isolani Republic
Physical attributes
Gender Male
Height 195cm (6'4″)
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Brown
Personal status
Status Active
Professional status
Nationality L'isolani
Affiliation The L'isolani Republic
Occupation Doge of L'isolani

Captain of the Arlecchino

Base of Operations The L'isolani Republic
First appearance
Anime Episode 16: Beginning of the Great War
Voice Actor Yasunori Matsumoto

 Donatello Doria is the Doge of L'isolani and a part of the Doria family, a family which has competed with the Boccanegra for the position as a doge for a very long time. He is also the captain of the Arlecchino and he recently joined forces with L'isolani's long sworn enemy Venedik.


Donatello is from the Doria family, a family which is the rival of the Boccanegra family over the dogeship of L'isolani. At some point, he became the Doge of L'isolani and decided to collaborate with the Boccanegra family for his own family's personal gain. He was one of the leaders of the eleven city-states of Centro that agreed to the secret contract regarding imperial merchant ships found on the seas of Centro.


When a L'isolani warship is seen rescuing an imperial merchant ship by Silvestro Brega of Venedik, doge Antonio becomes aware of that doge Donatello has breached the secret contract. Silvestro is sent to L'isolani to have a meeting with Donatello, who humbly apologises and blames the unfortunate turn of events on L'isolani's lack of a system that guarantees the lives of sailors. Claiming that the success of merchants is in their own hands and that they will do anything to be successful and that he therefore isn't responsible for their actions. When Silvestro asks him if he can't do something about the situation, Donatello says that it's only natural that he is angry and that the traitors will be properly punished for their actions.


When Silvestro leaves, he is met with a claimed plague victim from Ponente; a stunt that Donatello, the Boccanegra family, Ponente and the empire has pulled, halting all activity in Centro for fourty days. Two of his subjects then comment that it was quite the unpleasant conversation, to which Donatello agrees.

The War on the Seas of Centro[]

A blockade of the Phoenician Salos gate has been made by L'isolani and imperial ships. However, despite L'isolani's skills at naval battle and having "the Son of Triton" on their side, Venedik is proven to be successful and the victor of the battle.


When Amadeo is captured, Donatello tells him about his betrayal against the Boccanegra family, claiming that Venedik was a far better choice than the empire. He then orders the execution of him, for apperance's sake and in order to rid himself off his last rival for the dogeship. Donatello then shakes hands with Antonio and comments that he will await his next big break, to which Antonio says that L'isolani's Golden Age is over and they won't get a second chance. Afterwards, a big storm out of the current season rages on the seas of Centro.
