Shoukoku no Altair Wikia

Pasha (Turkish: General) is a title in Turkiye Stratocracy.


Pasha is the highest class of people in Turkiye Stratocracy, that entrusted with the role of leading the country. A council of Pasha only has 100 people, showing that it's an extremely prestigious title.


A pasha usually served at one of the government bureau's head periodically, making them vital for the country's prosperity. A pasha also has the right to command a full legion of their own, being the highest military rank in Turkiye's army.

Three times a week, all pashas are required to be present at Kubbe Altu to carry out a discussion regarding the country's welfare, forming a council named Diwan.



Between the 100 pasha, there are 13 people that's called vizier (Turkish: minister), that given responsibility to govern one of the 13 provinces of Turkiye Stratocracy.

At the top of the pyramid, there's Buyuk Pasha (Turkish: Great General) that becomes the head of the state.


All pashas are recruited from military ranks, since pasha is essentially a military rank. Each time a seat in the Diwan is empty, a prospective candidate is recruited from military ranks, since the Diwan should consists of 100 pashas, no more, no less.

When a vizier's seat is empty, the pasha that fills the position should have experience in minimum 20 of the 34 bureaus before he can qualify.

Known Pashas[]

  • Sehir Halil (Former Vizier of 7.Eyalet)
  • Tughril Mahmut (Beylerbey(equal to rank of Vizier) of Chielo Eyalet)
  • Zehir Zaganos (Vizier of 1.Eyalet)
  • Kurt Kurt (Pasha from 8.Eyalet Current 2.Idare of Chielo Eyalet)
  • Burak (Buyuk Pasha;leader of Turkiye Stratocracy)
  • Tesisat-Kapi Saruca (Vizier of 3.Eyalet)
  • Mimar Zeki (Insaat Baskan of Chielo Eyalet)
  • Şanslar Nurzan (2.Idare of Chielo Eyalet)
  • Deve İlkay (2. Idare of 1.Eyalet)
  • Atnal Cemil (2.İdare of 1.Eyalet)
  • Murat
  • Ozan Tuncer(2. Idare of 7.Eyalet)
  • Tazı Doruk(Current 2. Idare of 11.Eyalet)
  • Makas Ümit (2.Idare of 6. Eyalet)
  • Kadir (Former 2. Idare of 11.Eyalet )
  • Pota Jırgal ( Current Vizier of 7.Eyalet)


  • The Pasha title is based on the real-life Ottoman title Pasha.
  • However there are several differences in regards to authority power: Buyuk Pasha having highest power compared to a Sultan.