Shoukoku no Altair (将国のアルタイル) is a manga created by Katou Kotono. The manga got published monthly in Shonen Sirius magazine. The current volume count is 21 volumes and presumably ongoing-still.
As of March 21, 2017, the series has an official digital release for English language speakers under the title Altair: A Record of Battles. An anime adaption by Studio MAPPA started airing July 7, 2017.
Mahmut is a young Pasha serving on the general's council of Türkiye. The clouds of war are gathering over his country. With Türkiye's council split between the warmongers and the pacifists, Mahmut begins his quest to keep the peace at any cost. As he finds himself deeper and deeper in the politics of the ancient world, new enemies and allies surface. Who will prevail? What will Mahmut do if war proves to be inevitable.
- Tughril Mahmut
- Cyrus gios Apollodorus
- Abiriga
- Zehir Zaganos
- Kara Kanat Suleyman
- Ulema Beyazit
- Al-Kaplan Balaban
- List of Volumes and Chapters
- List of Omake
See also[]
External Links[]
- Shoukoku no Altair (Baka-Updates Manga) [1]