Shoukoku no Altair Wikia

Tughril Mahmut is the main protagonist of the story. He is known as a prodigy, being Turkiye's youngest pasha in its history at 17 years old.


Mahmut enjoyed happy, simple life in Tughril Village with his mother until he was 5 years old, 12 years from the main storyline, when a war between Turkiye Stratocracy and its hostile neighbor, Baltrhein Empire, broke out. This war devastated Tughril Village, killing all of its villagers except Mahmut and Iskandar, his domesticated eagle. During the time of the attack, Mahmut was a little away from the village in search of a gem. When he came back, he was met with the already destroyed village. This tragedy fueled Mahmut's desire to become a pasha, so that he won't lose anyone precious anymore because of war.

Main Story[]

First Signs of a World War[]

Inner Conflict at Hisar[]

A New Beginning[]

The Fall of Phoenicia[]

Venedik's Ploy[]

Civil War in Greater Turkiye[]

Pulling Strings from Argyros[]

Urado's New Hope[]

Approaching World War[]

Florence's Distrust[]

Mock Battle in El Toro[]

Disintegrating Paradise[]

Invading the Empire[]

