Shoukoku no Altair Wikia
Shoukoku no Altair Wikia
Zsigmond III King of Urado
Sigmund III
Vital statistics
Physical attributes
Gender Male
Hair Color Black
Personal status
Status Alive
Relatives Margit (Youngest Daughter)

Gertrude (Oldest Daughter)

2 Unnamed Daughters

Professional status
Nationality Urado
Affiliation Kingdom of Urado

Triparte Alliance

Occupation King of Urado
First appearance
Manga Fasul 43 - The Northern Kingdom


As a sovereign with absolute authority in his isolationist country, Zgismond is the kind of proud, honest leader that hates back-door deals and half-hearted promises, preferring to deal with any kind of perceived dishonesty with harsh measures.


Zsigmond has dark, thick and long hair which curls a bit, his hair is also parted in the middle and he has some facial hair in the form of a big moustache. His eyes are narrow and he sports a big and extravagant crown. Zsigmond wears a cloak with a high collar and gloves.




  • Zsigmond III has some similar characteristics with the real-life figure Vlad Tepes on several occasions.
  • Appearance-wise
  • How he executes death by (stake) impale.